Monday, April 9, 2012

Agriculture/Animal: Goat

A goat on our friends' farm. I love goats. I would just love to have a goat but even if I could talk John into it, town zoning restrictions wouldn't allow for it.

Camera: Canon EOS T3, Lensbaby Muse Processing: PSE


  1. Looks like you'll have to visit your friend's farm more often to get your goat 'fix'.

  2. I love goats too but hubby says NO! even though we could have several along with our sheep. Great photo! You seem to have mastered your DSLR now. High five!

  3. That looks like an Angora too! The milk is delicious, Cheese Healthy and the meat to die for Nicest tasting meat on Earth! Money to be made there. And if you have brambles and bracken on your property they will clear it and thrive on the weeds. Beats Poison!
    Go Goats Go!

  4. Goats have such personalitys, I'd like to have some closeby. In my garden I would like hens and a big oldfashioned Rooster but it's not allowed. And.... I think the neighbours would complain about the rooster :-)

  5. Lovely lighting has captured his profile perfectly....great shot

  6. Hi Bobbi,
    He's a very handsome guy. You captured him perfectly. Have a great day!


  7. The light is perfect on this guy, I like his beard. You and your Lensbaby sure are a fine team.

  8. I agree with Sherrie this is a handsome billy.
