Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Weekend

Life can be hectic.  Sometimes, we like to just slow it down.  We go to Barnes & Noble, get a coffee (cafe latte is my favorite) and just spend an hour sipping it and poring over magazines.  Today, we found a great Christmas present there for our older granddude: a kind of a chemistry set that makes glow-in-the-dark stuff.  His mom won't want to bother with that, so it means he and I can be mad scientists together!

Camera" Canon EOS T3, Lensbaby Muse/Edge 8-  Processing: PSE 


  1. This latte looks yummy and I'd like one. It will be fun to play mad scientist with your grand dude (love that moniker)

  2. Great way to kick back and relax. Would love to see some of the glow in the dark experiments.

  3. Hi Bobbi,
    I'm not a coffee drinker, but that looks yummy. Have a great day!


  4. Oh yummmmmmmmmm! And, what a great xmas gift...not only something very cool but also time w/ grandma! :)
