Monday, November 15, 2010


The state has deemed it necessary to replace our completely functional computers with new ones. (Don't even get me started on this...) Here's a pile of the new mice waiting to be installed. This is close to OOC; I just did a little brightness & contrast adjustment in Iris PhotoSuite.


  1. A good photo-op for you! Isn't it annoying when departments have to spend down the money left in the account or they will have the budget reduced next year because they evidently didn't need it?

  2. What really gets to me is that due to the need for the state to save money, we weren't given calendar refills and we have to buy our own pens and notepads...but the state can replace over 100 computers just because the warranties expired!

  3. Hope they have some mouse traps lol Wonderful and original composition....I love the tones in this as well!

  4. I could understand the upgrade if they were doing something different -- like switching to MACs. But this is just more HP!

    It's a great photo, politics aside. So shiny and new.
