Friday, December 31, 2010

Looking back, looking forward

For the last two years--670 days altogether--I've taken a photo a day. I want to thank all of you who have spent the time to accompany on that journey, especially those of you who have been kind enough to share your thoughts.

It's been a worthwhile experience. To take a photo every day and to try to make it not just a record but also something visually appealing is quite a challenge. The greatest gift it gave me was an opening of the eyes. So much in life passes by us without being noticed--until we have a reason to notice it. That one needs to take notice enriches every waking moment.

Next year, together with a stellar group of photographers, I'm undertaking a new challenge: to attempt to snag a photo for each of 365 themes to be found here:

After two years, I don't know how I'm going to feel the first day I don't take a photo; I expect it will be unsettling. My husband, however, is already celebrating!

At any rate, I am grateful for the experience of the past two years and for your companionship, and I look forward to this new visual adventure.


  1. That is a pretty remarkable achievement, Bobbie. Congrats! I hope the next year is just as good....

  2. Ditto we go again... lol

  3. I've really enjoyed the past two years of photos and am looking forward to more. It is such a stellar way to learn to see.

  4. this a great. I will look at my commitments to see if I can follow this blog and take a least 1 photo a day. Have a great day.

  5. oooh...loving your photos!! Always fun to find new fellow photo bloggers. :)
