Thursday, August 25, 2011


My 19 year old daughter actually asked me to go to the movies with her to see "The Help." It turned out to be a priceless experience. SO well acted...and it opened up conversations. As for the theme...the "help" were the domestics who kept that society operating.


  1. I saw it with my mom 2 weeks ago. I thought some of the performances were really good. I had read the book first, so none of it surprised me

  2. Sounds like your back could have used some of that "OIL" that kept society smoothly running!

  3. It's absolutely a very important theme, never heard of that movie.

  4. I do love to take in a matinee on a rainy day . . . will put this movie on my list to see.

  5. I think that is my favorite movie in the last 5 years...I laughed, cried and did it all over again! If you loved the movie you will like the book even more! :)

  6. This is interesting; the closing credits with the house lights up? I like how you caught both the audience and the film on the screen.

    The Strangers With Candy movie was the last movie I saw in the theater. Prior to that it was The Brady Bunch Movie. Prior to that it was Stand By Me. I don't go to the movies much because I have the attention span of a gnat.

  7. I'd seen previews and so was interested in it. Now I will put it on my must see list.

  8. Can't wait to see it! thanks for the review.
