Saturday, March 27, 2010

Palm Sunday

The exuberant Father Mike blesses the congregation at the beginning of the Palm Sunday vigil Mass. (I have already been lectured by my daughter about whipping out my iPhone in church; but I promise that after this, I put it in my pocket. I was the narrator for the Passion, so I had to pay attention.) At any rate, the photo was processed in PhotoForge & PhotoBag--after church!


  1. Thanks for re posting...I was just about to e-mail you to say your comments wasn't working. :)

    I am glad you had your phone in church...another awesome image of a wonderful captured it wonderfully!

  2. I'm with your daughter! If we had whipped out our DSLs in church you would be at the front when they stoned us at the altar!.

  3. Nice capture! We have a local priest named Father Eric who is also exuberant! You've captured the celebration mood so well.

  4. I like the sense of motion in this picture.
