Thursday, March 10, 2011

Center of Interest

All eyes (and a video camera) on on this citizen as he asks a question of the panel at a town informational session regarding funding for renovations to the high school.


  1. No pressure! LOL. Hope he got the answer he was hoping for.

  2. How wonderful to be able to ask a question and have it answered. Let us always keep the lines of communication open.

  3. Great documentation of a civil dialogue! Hope Faux News wasn't there to mess things up!

  4. good capture of an interesting scene, hope he got a correct answer and not an answer too evasive

  5. This is like reverse journalism!

  6. One of the things I like about living in a relatively small town is that we do have a direct connection to our government. I grew up in NYC. Here, people know the mayor on a first name basis. Politics do get rather nasty, unfortunately; but one always has the opportunity to be heard.

  7. Striking image of real life! Processing enhances it even further!
