Thursday, April 7, 2011


To me, there is no greater wealth than the wealth of knowledge; and there is no better way to accumulate this wealth than through reading. We are so fortunate to have libraries that give us access to...well, really, the world and beyond. This is the desk at our town library: my gateway to the universe and far more valuable than coin.
BTW for 365ers: the librarian on the left is Val's Aunt Betsy.



  1. I love, love, love to read, but haven't been in a library in ages. Need to change that.

  2. I agree, knowledge is king. Isn't it fascinating when in a library or bookstore you can go in so many directions? From the depths of space to microbiology and everything past, present and future within those infinite parameters.

    So that is Val's aunt? Small world!

  3. Hi Bobbie,
    I couldn't agree more with you. I'm always telling people that ask why I read, that I can travel all over the world and never leave my comfy chair. Libraries are awesome! Have a great day!


  4. Awesome! Did you tell her she's in your blog today? I'm going to email her. She'll be tickled. :-)

  5. Reading is my favorite escape, and the library my favorite place to visit.

  6. Amen. Acquiring a library card is pretty much the first thing I do after moving to a new town. I can not even guess at how my life would be different if not for the fantastic libraries I've had access to all my life. One things I love is how they strive to change with the times and move towards becoming hubs of community activity. Love, love, love the library!

    Hi Val's aunt!!!

  7. @Val--I didn't tell her. I was going to ask her and Marianne (the librarian on the right) to pose, but then I got shy; by the time I got up the guts to ask, Betsy had gone. So I had to content myself with this.

  8. you have taken a good choice for the theme, I agree with what you have told. I do like reading and I do like books - real books - even nowadys when I have several e-books on my reader, I prefer the print.

  9. Bobbie - my aunt gladly would have posed! I let my cousins know their mom/aunt was a celebrity (haha). One cousin (her daughter) commented on how much she liked your quote about wealth and reading. Everyone in our family are avid readers, so what you've said resonates. :-)

  10. How true! And what a great take on the theme! I know I for one live at both our library and Borders lol

  11. I love your crop in this picture.

  12. I hope that brick and mortar libraries and REAL books are never phased out due to the e-readers. There is just something about real paper books and the atmosphere of a library.

  13. Well said indeed! How cool that Val's aunt is there.

  14. What a wonderful interpretation of the theme! Libraries are wonderful places! While I remember using the library a lot when I was in high school, my son, a high school junior, rarely steps foot in one!
