Saturday, July 23, 2011


I don't remember the last time I saw a phone booth. I've often wondered where Superman would change. But there was one at our campground in Quebec province, and we saw a few as we drove around. Our friends who live there say they are increasingly scarce.


  1. You are right they are not very common anymore. I like how it seems to glow.

  2. don't se any of those around here either anymore. The warm lightning makes it look inviting

  3. I can't believe it Bobbie, You've actually snapped Superman changing. I got suspicious of that Red and Blue blur in your image so I ranit under a spectograph and there are definite signs of Kryponite residue there. Odd indeed. Are you related to Lois Lane perchance???

  4. They seem to be disappearing at quite a rate all over the world.

  5. People nowadays carry their phones with them, so the whole world has become a phone booth.

  6. Hi Bobbi,
    Great capture. You should hang on to this picture, it could be a collectors item some day. They are becoming dinosaurs in the world of phones. I haven't seen one of those for years. Have a great day!


  7. At least there is a phone in it. There's a phone company in a nearby town that has an empty phone booth just about outside its front door. :-P

  8. The glow makes it look like Superman just popped out and zoomed up faster than a speeding bullet . . .

  9. Nice processing, makes it sort of other worldly.

  10. Great glow of the booth and a very interesting sky to compliment it. No door on this booth but I will take it!

  11. A great shot for the memory book. I don't know if there is one around here. Soon they'll only be in the vintage movies.
