Wednesday, January 6, 2010

EDIBLE: We call these "funky mushrooms." I'd never pick mushrooms in the wild; but if they're in a package at Whole Foods, I assume they aren't poisonous.


  1. Not sure I could eat mushrooms that looked like that, but wow do I like your treatment of this! It does make for a really cool image, love how the mushrooms are going every which way!

  2. I love the picture, the colors and details are wonderful. Sorry, I am not allergic to mushrooms, but if I ate one I would certainly die, LOL. My daughter told me that and I agreed completely.

  3. What a great treatment for a bunch of Fungi! Being a Fun Guy myself, I can identify with this group shot, what a food fight!

  4. I like how you processed this, looks like the front piece for a forager's guide.

  5. All I can say is...what the heck??? I'm not a mushroom lover and these would scare me away!! Good image, though. ;-)

  6. It's great. Love the different shades of brown with the dark brown mushroom tops. Great composition. Looks like a magazine picture.

  7. Nice composition. What type of processing this you apply?

  8. I used the Poster Edges filter in Elements.

  9. Those are some "Funky" looking mushrooms. The composition works well and the Poster Edges filter really complements it.

  10. Cool effect! I'd eat these, for sure!

  11. Love the image; I like your composition and the processing very much. An art print.

  12. Funky doesn't begin to describe them in my book! lol I don't think I'd eat them but your composition and processing makes them beautiful.

  13. Funky is right! I love mushrooms but I'm not sure I would eat these even packaged! Very cool shot!
