Saturday, December 31, 2011

He's home!

John was released from the hospital today. He's feeling MUCH better, but still wears out easily. I don't think we'll be up for partying this evening, but just having him well and home is celebration enough. Thanks for all your kind thoughts.


  1. What great news Bobbie. This is a fine way to start the new year!

  2. Wishing all the best for you and your husband! May the New Year to come be a very good year!

  3. Glad to know that John is home, where we all belong. I wish you two the happiest of New Years, and thank you for inviting me into your world this past year. I have enjoyed seeing what became as familiar sights. Someday I am determined to stand on the shores of Paper Goods Pond! Best to you, Bobbie.

  4. Hallelijah! Best News Now spend a whole year keeping well and safe. Happy New Year full of good news, what a way to start!

  5. Great news, Bobbie. Enjoy a quiet New Year's eve at home.

  6. Many prayers headed your way, Bobbie and John. Enjoying one another's company sounds like a wonderful way to begin the new year.

  7. Wonderful news! Enjoy a peaceful New Years Eve at home!
    Happy New Year.

  8. Hooray! Good health is one of those treasures we all tend to take for granted until we don't have it. Best to you in 2012!

  9. Having your husband home from the hospital is the best way to start the New Year! Hope you have a great rest of the year as well.
