Saturday, March 14, 2009

Another sign of spring: seed racks at the hardware store. The Posterize Edges filter gives it something of the look of an old time seed catalog.


  1. The effect almost makes it look like a colored drawing to some extent! Creative idea for a picture - love the colors!

  2. Great colors and very unique for this theme!!

  3. Boy have they gone to seed, they are almost a rack of ruin. Sorry Autumn does that to my peotic bone. (It's Autumn here)

  4. This is a really nice show of color Bobbie, Makes me hungry.

  5. I like the colors! A fun, sort of nostalgic, shot. This time of year--when it's all aobut the planning and anticipation--I miss having a large place to garden. By the heat of July, I'll be over those feelings!

  6. You know it's spring when......the seed packets come out! Love all those colors you've captured.

  7. Ah, a sure sign of spring when the seeds get a big display.

  8. Wow, Bobbi, this really brings back memories. I used to be a "seedy salesperson" and Burpee was my main competitor. Good to see they're still in business.

  9. Great idea for a photo. I do like how the filter changes the image. Very colorful with great lines.

  10. This does yell spring, get to growing. I like what the filter did, it does look like an old time seed catalog. Nice hopeful image.
