Sunday, March 1, 2009

This vinca vine jumped the gun a little and has started to turn green. It didn't count on the vagaries of New England weather. Today's snow was just a dusting, but but tomorrow morning, this should be buried under over a foot of snow. The Sponge filter helped elicit the tenuous sense of hope held forth by this fragile spray of green.


  1. Love the green vine against the texture of the snow!

  2. The filter really helped bring out the colors. The green looks so fresh and vibrant against the snow and rocks.

  3. I like how this filter brought out more texture in the snow - it doesn't blend as much together like the first image! Love this picture - what an eye!

  4. Green is as green does, it may know more than we do.

  5. It still does give a wonderful sense of hope for the coming spring, doesn't it? Even if you do have to unbury it from snow just to see it again!

  6. I love the way the sprig of green is nestled in the cold snowy ground.

  7. Poor little vine - it'll have to go back to rest for a while longer. I like your use of the filter here - the detail is so enhanced...

  8. It is good to have pictures of green leaves for the long days when we cannot see them because of all the snow! Can you tell I am tired of winter!

  9. The texture and contrasts in this image are great.

  10. I like this effect. It is very impressionistic.
