Wednesday, March 25, 2009

This is the infamous concrete office building in which I work. It's the only office building in an industrial wasteland bordered by highways and railroad tracks. It's not bad if you work by one of the windows, as I did for several years before the consultants were moved to the lightless, airless, soulless heart of the building. Still, this challenge is teaching me to open my eyes, and the exterior does have a certain classic geometric elegance. A combination of Posterize and Colored Pencil reduces it to its elemental planes.


  1. What a great concrete building - the repeating patterns just draws the eyes in! Wonderful edit too!

  2. I like the strong lines and the colors that the processing brought out.

  3. Come on "INFAMOUS" then no info I won't stand for that you can't tease people like that - Do another post called INFAMOUS and tell us why? Unless you missed it, I would really like to know , Nice Photo BTW give me the dirt Bobbie.

  4. Great lines and angles in this photo. I really like the filter version. The lines are stronger.

  5. To work in a office without a window does sound less than ideal. You have captured a nice shot of the exterior, I do find it appealing.

  6. Nice repeating patterns too!! The interior office space must be dull and boring compared to all of these windows.
