Monday, March 30, 2009

I may not be able to post tomorrow. I will try to at least take a picture, but I suspect I'll have to post it on Wednesday (routine medical big deal, but I usually wind up really knocked out by the sedative.)

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved in the 365 Challenge. I can't tell you how much I enjoy browsing through your blogs everyday. It's like being able to wander in a private museum of photography. I'm in awe of the talent here! I'm grateful, too, for the time you spend making comments on my efforts as well. Between looking at what you do and listening to what you say, I've learned so much.

The Challenge has certainly caused me to open my eyes and deepened my awareness of my surroundings. If I didn't "have to" take a picture every day--especially the days I work in that dull building that sits in the middle of an industrial wasteland in Hartford--there is so much I would not see. And I wouldn't have undertaken the Challenge (or stuck with it!) if it weren't for all of you.

So thank you all--and congratulations to all of you for your stellar work!



  1. Hope your day goes well, Bobbie.

  2. Good luck, Bobbie. We'll look forward to your return.

  3. Ditto to you! I will be thinking of your during your procedure!

  4. I wish you the best, Bobbie. Hurry back.

  5. Hey Bobbie, I just now saw your post! I hope all went well with your procedure & look forward to more of your excellent work.
